The Colony & the Crown

For those who follow my alter ego, PJ Kurtz, I’m happy to report the second book in our Earth Colony Chronicles, The Colony & the Crown, is nearly in the bag! YAY! More than one reader demanded to know what happened to Cal’s treasure box and its contents, but hey, Book One isn’t Cal’s story. Book Two is, although writing it took longer than we anticipated because Cal is Cal and headstrong, as always. Corralling that child required some deft handling, I can tell you. However, she led us down some interesting paths worthy of exploration and, in some cases, inclusion.

We had, originally, hoped for a spring release, but now, we’re looking at fall. We want a face-to-face with our cover designer, and frankly, it gives us some breathing space.

For those who might be interested, The Sword & the Starship, Book One of the series, is now available through KDP Select. Not the original plan, but we’re pantsers and making things up as we go is what we do.

We’re thrilled to, finally, bring you Cal’s story. That girl has a lot of growing up to do, and what she faces on EC5 jeopardizes not only her future but all she holds dear, putting the maturation petal to the metal in a big way even as she discovers, sometimes, what meets the eye isn’t all there is to be seen.

For those few who may still want to see the Merlin Series, don’t despair. Those characters give me no rest, and while hours in the day remain immutable, I promise you, it’s coming. When it does, the entire trilogy will be released in quick succession.

I’m so excited!



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Prologues: Yea or Nay?

Warning: This blog is being written in the No Edits Zone. Grammar and Spelling Nazis, proceed at your own risk!

After months spent fine-tuning the SFR (a cautionary tale in and of itself), I’m finally back to my Merlin Series. Gotta say, making the transition has been difficult. Worse, despite the multiple GH nods the first two Merlin manuscripts received, looking at them now makes me wince.

Why? Good question. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m not a happy girl.

Part of it could be my writing style. I write without plan–a mode of operation commonly known as pantsing and not recommended to anyone unwilling to part with his or her sanity–and hammer blithely away, often following characters down strange paths or mysterious rabbit holes with no idea where they lead. It’s fun, exciting, and often wonderfully liberating, putting things in place that I don’t even know I’ll need until I get to the place where I do.

The perfect example is in TS&TS. Cal receives a box containing a book and a map. The book is unimportant to this story, and we had no idea what it was or why it showed up. Still, something said keep it, so it’s in there. Starting on book two, it hit me EXACTLY what it was, where it came from, and why it’s important. Love it when that happens.

Those moments are rare, however. What isn’t rare is the major pain in the gluteous maximus most people call editing. I wrote the book. I know the story. I want to move on and write the next one. But no. To publish, one must edit. And that’s where I am at the moment with The Seer, Book 1 of the Merlin’s Prophesy series.

Here’s the thing: There’s a fantasy element to the story (considering the series’ name, that should come as a shock to no one), and that element is revealed in small ways throughout. I’m not writing Swords and Sorcerers. I’m writing men and women caught in a web spun nearly a thousand years past.

Which brings us to the title of this post.

I’m thinking I need a prologue, else those elements would just stand out as odd rather than pertinent or revealing. My original idea was an epilogue with Merlin discussing what was yet to come, but my CP nixed that, claiming she’d found the inferences in the story distracting without a frame of reference.

Prologues have become unfashionable over the years, and if the characters knew of the prophesy, it wouldn’t be an issue, but they don’t. They are pawns in a game they don’t even know is being played. That leaves a prologue or scenes with Merlin observing and making comment. Not keen on the whole hovering specter/disembodied commentator idea, though, especially considering what needs be revealed. To my thinking, the action will come to a screeching halt for a bit of explanatory rumination.

Doesn’t sound like a good solution to me.

What do you think? I know I’ve provided few details, but the story is still in the–*groan*–editing/refining stages so things could change rather drastically between now and publication. Dashing reader expectations makes friends for no author.

How do you feel about prologues? Do you think they have a place? Or do they turn you off before you read page one?


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Sword&theStarshipBlackDigitalCoverThis is the new baby. Isn’t she pretty? She’s the first in a series by the alter-ego and Cuz. If you want to know about the collaboration, you can check it out here.


She’s available at Amazon, Smashwords, and Create Space for those, like me, who prefer the feel of a book in hand.

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The Alter-ego lives!

My sci-fi writing alter ego, PJ Kurtz, has a web site.  Now, I’m only half of the alter-ego equation.  I share it with a cousin who works in the aerospace industry and has more experience with the nuts-and-bolts (literally) of space flight than I do.  Thus, when we put our heads together, fun stuff happens.

Our first Sci-Fi Romance is scheduled for release this Saturday, 24 January (apparently, although it will go up on Friday, it could take 12 hours to show, so I’ll play it safe).  I’m excited–and more than a little anxious.  The title, The Sword & The Starship, tells you the foundation upon which we built our collaboration, but that’s not the end.  It’s the first of The Earth Colony Chronicles.  I guess you can say our little writing excercise snowballed, but we had so much fun, we’re building snowmen.  Book 2 is in the works, and Book 3 already on the drawing board.

That said, my historical, The Seer, should also be seeing the light of day very soon–if I can finally hit the right note for the ending.  Being part of a series, the final chords are so important, but Anora and Marcus insist on doing things their own way. Negotiations are in progress.

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The 2015 Winter Writing Festival is Open!

As usual, I’ve just copied and pasted from the Ruby-Slippered Sister site.  If you need a boost, a push, or just some commiseration on your writing journey, put the Dark Ages of Winter to work for you.  Join us for writing sprints, encouragement, and SWAG!

Opening Ceremonies: Ruby Winter Writing Festival 2015!!

Oh, how we adore saying these words:

roaring-fire_657x600We now declare the Fifth Annual Winter Writing Festival OPEN!
Let the Games begin!!

To get your BONUS point for today, Monday January 12,  add a comment on theregular Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog( in which you:

1) define how *you personally* will earn your Festival “points”


2) declare your commitment to earning 50 points by March 2, 2015. (Further details on goal-setting follow below).

Leaving a comment today on the regular Ruby blog also puts you in the running for some cool prizes–the first round of our fabled Festival Swag, which includes lots of gift cards, awesome Ruby books, and the ever popular WRITING CRITIQUES, which we’ll continue giving out in random drawings every Monday from now until the end of the Festival on Monday, March 2!!)



To get the most from the Winter Writing Festival, leave your comment today, then jump over to our special Festival site,, and officially register. Click on the “Member” snowflake near the upper right of that page, then click on “Register for the site.” When you log back in throughout the Festival, you can add points to your progress bar and see how far you’ve come. (Should there be any technical problems, don’t worry! Just leave your comment here–we’ll consider you part of the Festival no matter what!)

(FYI: Throughout the Festival, you can quickly jump over to the Winter Writing Festival site by clicking on the blue Participant badge in the upper right of the regular Ruby Home page.)


The very BEST thing about the site is the CHAT ROOM, which we use for writing sprints. Those of you who’ve participated in the Festival before can testify that writing sprints are pretty darned miraculous at helping writers be super-turbo-powered productive–even if your busy life normally makes it hard for you to get much written.

You just click on the Chat Room link in the box near the upper left of the site (right under “Sprint Schedule), and you’ll jump to a screen where you can type in the name or nickname you want to use during the chat. Hit enter, and you’ll find yourself in a virtual space with other writers also eager to get work done. A Sprint Hostess will be there to greet you and show you the ropes. Sprint Czaress Kim Law has some great instructions here.

Typically, we chat (via typing) for a few minutes between sprints, then write like crazy for 20 minutes (or 45 minutes at some sessions), then come back and chat some more. Just knowing other people are writing while you are–and waiting to hear your new word count when you chat again–will keep you in your seat and cranking out those words. You can get inspiration, great advice, and (in half the chats I’ve been in) just laugh yourself silly. DON’T BE SHY!!!! It’s fun and easy…and practically magic!

Writing sprints start TODAY and happen daily. Jump in anytime!!! And if we don’t have a sprint scheduled at a time that works for you, feel free to find a buddy and come in on your own. Here’s the schedule so far (all times are EST):

Monday mornings with Heather McCollum (9:30 – 11:00 AM)

Monday evenings with Darynda Jones (7:00 – 9:00 PM)

Tuesday mornings with Liz Talley (8:30 -10:30 AM)

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with Laurie Kellogg (2:00 – 4:00 PM)

Tuesday and Thursday nights with Addison Fox ( 10:00 PM – midnight)

Wednesday mornings with Liz Talley (8:30 – 10:00 AM)

Friday mornings with Heather McCollum (9:30 – 11:00 AM)

Saturdays with Elisa Beatty (11:00 AM – 2:00 PM)

Sunday afternoons with Tamara Hogan (2:00 – 4:00 PM)


To help keep you inspired between writing sprints, grab yourself a Participant badge (right-click on the one below and then click on “save image as”) to upload to your personal website.

rss_winterfestival-participant-badge 2015

You can also check in daily at the Brag Blog (scroll down towards the bottom of the site), where you can report on how your writing day has gone, and celebrate whenever you earn a point! You’ll also find inspirational daily quotes and links to Ruby posts on craft to pull you through when you’re feeling a little stuck.


Also, check out the fantabulous Winter Writing Festival swag you have a chance to win during Monday Check-Ins if you meet your goals each week. (You can also purchase some cool Winter Writing Festival swag yourself–including coffee mugs, tees, sweats, and totes with the Festival logo–at our Cafe Press store.)

The Swag you can win today just for leaving a comment on the regular Ruby site includes (print books available USA only):

1)  Writing Critique of first 25 pages by Hope Ramsay

2)  $25 Amazon gift card (from June Love)

3)  copy of MUTINY OF THE HEART by Jennifer Bray-Weber + $10 Amazon gift card

4) THE SWEETEST SEPTEMBER and SWEET TALKING MAN by Liz Talley(digital or print, print US only)

5) Print copies of first two books in Dragonfly Chronicles (PROPHECY and MAGICK) – by Heather McCollum

6) CAUGHT IN THE ACT by Kim Law (digital or print, print US only)

7) Autographed copy of THE COUNTERFEIT LADY by Kate Parker (US only)

8) HOW TO FIND A MAN IN FIVE DATES by Tina Beckett (digital or print,print US only)

What’s not to love? (Our thanks to mega-talented Ruby Sister Liz Bemis for designing both sites!!)

If for any reason you have technical problems registering today: don’t panic!! Just leave us a message here in the comment trail, and get started earning points for the Festival.  We’ll make sure you get registered ASAP.

Be sure to visit the Chat Room: you don’t want to miss out on those sprints!!



Everybody gets one BONUS point TODAY for coming to the Ruby blog and leaving a comment that makes a public declaration of your commitment to take part in the Festival and a public announcement of your goals. Then, for each of the 50 days of the Festival (including today), you work to earn an additional point—and you define what it takes to earn that point.

Here are some examples of the sorts of things you might define as worth one point (you fill in the variables with the amounts that work for you):

-writing X number of words or pages
-deep revising Y number of pages
-polishing Z number of pages
-freewriting / brainstorming for Q number of minutes/hours
-doing R number of 20-minute writing sprints
-keeping butt in chair and hands on keyboard for S number of minutes or hours

For instance, one person might commit to earning points according to the following terms:

-writing 500 words per day OR
-deep revising for one hour per day OR
-doing a final polish on 25 pages per day

Any day that person meets ANY of those goals, she gets a point.

YOU set the goals that meet your personal writing style and writing needs. (For more advice on how to set up your goals, see here).

If you can’t meet your goal on any particular day, you can certainly double or triple or quadruple your goal on another day to catch up. And if you know ahead of time that you can never work on certain days (say, Saturdays) feel free to add something like “keep balance in my life by taking Saturday off” to your personal list of ‘ways to earn a point.’ Really. You can earn a point by taking a planned day off!! Don’t be shy.

And if setting your goals by the week works better for you than setting them by the day, go for it!!!

Remember, we all have different life commitments and different approaches to our writing lives, so we all need to set our own goals. All goals are equally worthy. This isn’t a competition, it’s a supportive process for MOVING FORWARD WITH OUR WRITING.

We want the Festival to work for YOU!

Check in at the Ruby blog every Monday during the Festival to report your progress (and be entered in random drawings for more Festival Swag.)

If you reach March 2 with a nice round 50 points (or more), YOU WIN!!

Spread the word to all your writer friends–all genres are welcome!!!

Good luck all, and GET WRITING!!

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Writing Disparate Genres

Like most writers, I have reasons why I write what I do. And, like most writers, the writing can grow stale without a catalyst to infuse it with freshness. While I tend to think of freshness as a cleansing breeze, I have recently discovered it can be a tornado, leveling everything, leaving you little choice but to pick through the rubble and start over.

Nearly two decades ago, a younger cousin came to me for help. He wanted to write, but his skills needed honing. At the time, I had a contract pending (that I, later, refused–a long story that I shall spare you), several monthly newsletters for which I was responsible, publicity pieces for our local youth baseball league, a quarterly magazine column, and three teens with myriad obligations and nary a driver’s license yet among them. Being the elder cousin, however, precluded saying no (at the time. I’ve become much brighter since then), so I conjured an alternative: We would work on a Science Fiction Romance together. Although the genre didn’t exist in the 90s, it didn’t matter. This would just be a fun little exercise to help him and let me play (Cuz worked in the aerospace industry, and, although historical romance is my first love, science fiction has been my guilty pleasure since junior high).

Disparate genres. Stretch my wings. Expand my imagination. What could go wrong?

Within days, I created a world, characters, and a folder filled with particulars. I still smile recalling the fun I had, jotting things down as they occurred to me, things that would never fly in historical romance.

Long story short: Life happened. The story, while about three-quarters done, languished in a box (and on floppy disks) for fourteen years. Even so, it wouldn’t die. Cuz and I would meet at family gatherings and it would, invariably, take over the conversation until we finally admitted defeat and did what needed doing.

Enter the aforementioned tornado. Major overhaul. While the core remained viable, things change and much is learned in fourteen years.

I recently typed THE END on that story. I’ve edited it to within an inch of its life, cutting more than 10,000 words, adding half that many, filling holes and oopsies the lengthy hiatus left behind, attending the minutia particular to the world that, over time, dear cuz forgot, and trying to bring it up to snuff. Its evolution has been amazing. It’s a far cry from the original outline, character profiles, and such (which still reside in their white folder on the bookshelf behind my desk), but, thanks to my cousin throwing curve ball ideas at me with the speed of a pitching machine run amuck, it’s all the better for it. (That’s what I get for encouraging him to read Donald Maass’s Writing the Breakout Novel.)

The Starship & The Sword has become Book One in our Earth Colony Chronicles. We’re hoping to publish it sometime this summer. Book two is underway.

Thus, our little exercise has become a serious workout.

That brings us back to the title of this piece.

The Seer is a Golden Heart® finalist this year. (I should probably change my blog header to 4x, but does anyone, other than me, really care?) I know I wrote an ending. I didn’t like it, but I wrote it. Now, I can’t find it. I probably deleted it, planning on a rewrite, but I usually save the deleted bits for reference. However, in the interim, I purchased a new computer. It’s possible some bits didn’t make the transition. Whatever the reason, the current manuscript ends with my heroine in the villain’s hands.

Not the end of the world. It needed a new, more dynamic ending anyway. I know what needs be done, but can I do it? No! It’s driving me crazy! I’ve put so much time into Valara & Gordain’s story, making sure the quirks in their language and whatnot are uniform throughout, that I keep finding myself using those same quirks in Anora & Marcus’s story. Which wouldn’t be too horrible if I didn’t transplant them at the same time. Talk about a one track mind. Sheesh.

Here’s why it happens.

Anora & Marcus’s story is set in 1472. Valara and Gordain’s story takes place after our sun dies. That should make it easy enough to differentiate, one would think, but being better versed in the past than the future, yours truly has her genetically engineered heroine interacting with a medieval Celtic Warrior. (If you want to find out how that happens, you’ll have to read the book.) I’ll be in the middle of writing from Marc’s point of view only to realize I’ve given him Dain’s dialect or taken him someplace that doesn’t exist on 15th century Earth.

I told you the story wouldn’t die. It insisted on being told, took residence, and now, like a rubber band kid, won’t leave home.

Therefore, I suggest, if you choose to write in more than one genre, try to keep them sufficiently different to avoid this kind of conflict. It’s maddening in the extreme. I’ve gone so far as to read The Seer from the beginning, editing as I go, hoping to retrain my focus. It works for a while, but then there’ll be a blip, a hiccup, a something, and I’m back at square one.

Where’s a refreshing tornado when you need one?


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I stole this info directly from the Opening Ceremony post at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood site (although the photos disappeared en route).  If you need a boot in the butt to get your writing on track or just want some encouragement through the Dark Ages of winter, this is for you.  Add swag and a chance to win a $250 Gift Card (of your choice), and what’s not to love?


The 2014 Ruby Slippered Sisterhood Winter Writing Festival OPENING CEREMONIES!!

We now declare the Fourth Annual Winter Writing Festival OPEN! Let the Games begin!!

To get your BONUS point for today, add a comment on the regular Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog ( in which you:

1) define how *you personally* will earn your Festival “points”


2) declare your commitment to earning 50 points by the end of February. (Further details on goal-setting follow below).

That’s all you really need to do–we’re a pretty casual bunch around here. (Leaving a comment today also puts you in the running for some cool prizes–the first round of our fabled Festival Swag, which includes lots of gift cards, awesome Ruby books, and the ever popular WRITING CRITIQUES, which we give out in random drawings every Friday from now until the end of February!!)

This year we’re also offering a GRAND PRIZE!! A $250 gift card to the online merchant of your choice–and we’d like to point out to those planning to attend RWA Nationals that we can give it to you in the form of a gift card to Marriott Hotels or the airline of your choice!

To be entered in the random drawing for the Grand Prize, you just need to:

a) check in every Friday during the Festival on

b) confirm on the final check-in on February 28 that you met your 50-point goal!



To get the most from the Winter Writing Festival, leave your comment today on, then jump over to our special Festival site,, and officially register. Click on the “Member” snowflake near the upper right of that page, then click on “Register for the site.” When you log back in throughout the Festival, you can add points to your progress bar and see how far you’ve come. (Should there be any technical problems, don’t worry! Just leave your comment here–we’ll consider you part of the Festival no matter what!)


The very BEST thing about the site, though, is the CHAT ROOM, which we use for writing sprints. Those of you who’ve participated in the Festival before can testify that writing sprints are pretty darned miraculous at helping writers be super-turbo-powered productive–even if your busy life normally makes it hard for you to get much written.

You just click on the Chat Room link in the box near the upper left of the site (right under “Sprint Schedule), and you’ll jump to the chat. Give yourself a name, and you’ll find yourself in a virtual space with other writers also eager to get work done. A Sprint Hostess will be there to greet you and show you the ropes. Sprint Czaress Kim Law has some great instructions here.

Typically, we chat (via typing) for a few minutes between sprints, then write like crazy for 20 minutes, then come back and chat some more. Just knowing other people are writing while you are–and waiting to hear your new word count when you chat again–will keep you in your seat and cranking out those words. You can get inspiration, great advice, and (in half the chats I’ve been in) just laugh yourself silly. DON’T BE SHY!!!! It’s fun and easy…and practically magic!

Writing sprints start TODAY and run non-stop from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. EST. Jump in anytime!!!


To help keep you inspired between writing sprints, grab yourself a Participant badge (right-click on the one below and then click on “save image as”) to upload to your personal website.  (You can also find the Participant badge in the About section of the Writing Festival site.)

You can also check in daily at the Brag Blog (scroll down towards the bottom of the site), where you can report on how your writing day has gone, and celebrate whenever you earn a point! You’ll also find inspirational daily quotes and links to Ruby posts on craft to pull you through when you’re feeling a little stuck.


Also, check out the fantabulous Winter Writing Festival swag you have a chance to win during Friday Check-Ins if you meet your goals each week. (You can also purchase some cool Winter Writing Festival swag yourself–including coffee mugs, tees, sweats, and totes with the Festival logo–at our Cafe Press store.)

The Swag you can win today just for leaving a comment on the regular Ruby site includes:

1) An autographed copy of Last Chance Book Club by Hope Ramsay (USA ONLY)

2) A Ruby Slipper wine Topper and $25.00 gift certificate to by Liz Talley

3) An autographed copy of Seized By Darkness by Autumn Jordon (USA ONLY)

4) A $10.00 Amazon gift certificate from Shea Berkley.

5)A Kindle copy of Romanced By The Redneck by Lindsey Brookes.

6) A $15.00 Starbucks gift certificate from Rita Henuber.

7) A first chapter critique (any genre-25 pages) by Tamara Hogan

What’s not to love? (Our thanks to mega-talented Ruby Sister Liz Bemis of for designing both sites!!)

If for any reason you have technical problems registering today: don’t panic!! Just leave us a message here in the comment trail, and get started earning points for the Festival.  We’ll make sure you get registered ASAP.

You don’t want to miss out on those sprints!!


Everybody gets one BONUS point TODAY for coming to the Ruby blog and leaving a comment that makes a public declaration of your commitment to take part in the Festival and a public announcement of your goals. Then, for each of the 50 days of the Festival (including today), you work to earn an additional point—and you define what it takes to earn that point.

Here are some examples of the sorts of things you might define as worth one point (you fill in the variables with the amounts that work for you):

-writing X number of words or pages -deep revising Y number of pages -polishing Z number of pages -freewriting / brainstorming for Q number of minutes/hours -doing R number of 20-minute writing sprints -keeping butt in chair and hands on keyboard for S number of minutes or hours

For instance, one person might commit to earning points according to the following terms:

-writing 500 words per day OR -deep revising for one hour per day OR -doing a final polish on 25 pages per day

Any day that person meets ANY of those goals, she gets a point.

YOU set the goals that meet your personal writing style and writing needs. (For more advice on how to set up your goals, see here).

If you can’t meet your goal on any particular day, you can certainly double or triple or quadruple your goal on another day to catch up. And if you know ahead of time that you can never work on certain days (say, Saturdays) feel free to add something like “keep balance in my life by taking Saturday off” to your personal list of ‘ways to earn a point.’ Really. You can earn a point by taking a planned day off!! Don’t be shy.

Remember, we all have different life commitments and different approaches to our writing lives, so we all need to set our own goals. All goals are equally worthy. This isn’t a competition, it’s a supportive process for MOVING FORWARD WITH OUR WRITING.

We want the Festival to work for YOU!

Check in at the Ruby blog every Friday during the Festival to report your progress (and be entered in random drawings for some of the Festival Swag and to build up eligibility for the Grand Prize).

If you reach the end of February with a nice round 50 points, YOU WIN!!

Spread the word to all your writer friends–all genres are welcome!!!

Good luck all, and GET WRITING!!

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Writing Characters: Who Do You See?

I know numerous writers who assemble storyboards or character files prior to writing a single word.  These boards or files include photographs, snagged from the internet or various publications, with the facial and physical characteristics they will ascribe to their characters.

I can’t work that way.  My characters reveal themselves a little here, a little there, until the picture is complete.  That said, by the time I’ve come to know them well, I realize the character isn’t a random accumulation of parts but is, rather, someone who has impressed me enough that, although I probably can’t name the person or recall the why or wherefore of the encounter or observation, I made a mental file.  The character’s physical attributes spill from that subconcious file and reassembled on the page.

This makes finding photographic representations somewhat difficult.

My critique partner illuminated this problem as we discussed cover art.  She knows me well and understands my aversion to covers—and titles—that don’t honestly convey the books they represent.  Thus, the hunt commenced.

I started with my first heroine (who you will not meet until Book Two of my Merlin’s Prophesy series), since she first entered my pages in the mid 9os, and I knew everything I could know about her.  Hours and hours later, it occurred to me who she resembled.  The problem?  I didn’t know the gal’s name.  I could only recall seeing her in a Riverdance production.  More hours, but I found her:  first, in the cast of Riverdance, then, reprising her Riverdance role as Erin the Goddess in Feet of Flames

While my heroine’s hair is darker red, longer, and less curly, and she describes herself as “too tall, too thin, and too plain”, a far cry from anyone portraying a goddess, here is the woman who jumped from those mental files I mentioned earlier.  Meet Anne Buckley aka my first heroine.   

And just because I love this song and there is none to stop me from indulging: 

My second heroine (who you will meet in the first book of my series), entrances the hero on page one.  Seeing her in silhouette against a setting sun, he thinks her an angel, albeit a stacked angel, and is unsettled by his uncharacteristic viceral response.  I searched high and low for a good photo and found a few that came close, but none were quite right.  Then another friend said, “Have you looked at your oldest daughter?”

Well, duh!  I’d written the character, but didn’t realize the physical representation came from my own brood.  (Thus, it’s fair to conclude, not only am I not a linear thinker, I can be as dense as diamonds.)

Genetics blessed my oldest daughter with her father’s golden-blond hair and dense, Highland Scot bones, while youngest, also blonde, received my mother’s Irish “bird-bones”.  My heroine is golden-blonde, has Highland antecedents, and thinks of herself a “over-tall for a woman”, so the resemblance is a no-brainer—or should have been.  (I’ll not insert photos since there are a couple on my photos page, but if you look, you’ll see exactly what I mean.)

Two down.  One to go—at least for this series . . . I hope.

Heroes are an entirely different battle and will wait for another day.

Do you start with photos?  Drawings?  A friend or acquaintance?  Or are you like me, scrambling after the fact?


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A Taste of Scots Music

I’ve made no secret of my Gaelic antecedents or my fascination with their history.  So it will come as no surprise, considering my love of music, the wail of the pipes can make my heart swell to bursting.  

I realize many think the sound akin to scalding cats, but there is just something uplifting—militant, if you will—to the bagpipes’ skirl.  Once a form of communication across the glens, the pipes became a call to arms, a call so stirring they were outlawed for a time.

A while back, I had the pleasure of seeing Clann an Drumma (Children of the Drum) at the Pennsylvania Rennaisance Faire.  I think I marched to the rhythm for days afterward.  Now, when it seems the world has claimed my shoulders for a pedestal, I put on their CDs and arouse my fighting spirit.  I’ve Scots blood in my veins.  I will not be defeated.

It’s with that in mind, I share this video.  I hope the music rouses you to strength as it does me.

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500 Years of Portraits of Women

A friend sent this to me, illustrating how our concept of beauty has changed through the years.  I found it fascinating and hope you do, too.


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